When someone asks where you live, it’s customary to assume they’re referring to your private residence, your home, where you sleep. But venturing outside the proverbial box, let’s consider where we actually spend most of our time.
According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety: American Driving Survey 2014-2015, the average American spends 17,600 minutes per year in their car; which translates to 293 hours or 36.6 8-hour working days, or just over 7 40-hour weeks per year. Public transportation usage is 2.28 times private vehicular travel. Combining private automobile and public transportation, we spend on average 57,728 minutes per year traveling, or 962 hours, or 120.3 8-hour working days, which is just over 24 40-hour weeks per year, and totals an astounding 6 working months! So at home we may plop down on the couch, eat dinner, and hit the sack; but after we wake-up and shower, most of us are out-the-door and enroute to a destination. That’s where we come in …
Passion Fruit Voiceovers would like to take this opportunity to introduce itself. After all, there’s a 54.2 percent chance that it’s US you’re hearing in just automobile navigation responses; not to mention public transit announcement systems and credit card and banking IVR systems. It’s not an overstatement to claim that you’re hearing us AS MUCH as anyone else in your private or professional life, because we are WHERE LIFE IS BEING LIVED!
Visit PassionFruitVO.com without delay. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Providing enterprise scale female voice-over talent and male voice-over artists for global clientele. Services include: Commercial and Narration Voice-overs, IVR, TTS, Mobile Media Content, Transit Announcement System Voice-overs, e-Learning Courses, On-Hold Messaging, Multilingual Voice Talent, Language Translation, and Audio Engineering Services, via Source-Connect, ISDN, Phone Patch, and FTP.
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