Breaking news from CVN (Cable Voice Network): An update on the ongoing automated voice mind control debacle. A waitress began taking orders by robotically telling patrons to turn left in a quarter mile. A radio station broadcaster is repeatedly describing what’s at the next transit station. A woman’s husband who usually snores, instead recites ESL eLearning phrases. When a tree came down, instead of yelling ‘timber’ the guy called out his credit card balance (mimicking the IVR).
It seems the automated voice continues to make an irresistible hypnotic effect on the human brain. We’re certainly at a loss as to how wide spread the phenomenon, but the reports keep coming in. We recommend you check back with us regularly.
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Providing enterprise scale female voice-over talent and male voice-over artists for global clientele. Services include: Commercial and Narration Voice-overs, IVR, TTS, Mobile Media Content, Transit Announcement System Voice-overs, e-Learning Courses, On-Hold Messaging, Multilingual Voice Talent, Language Translation, and Audio Engineering Services, via Source-Connect, ISDN, Phone Patch, and FTP.
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